Higher Technical Qualifications


Higher Technical Qualifications are either new or existing Level 4 and 5 qualifications (such as Higher National Diplomas/Foundation Degrees/Diploma in Higher Education).


They have been developed by awarding bodies in collaboration with employers, so that you get the right training, knowledge, and skills to succeed in the workplace.


They are based on a common set of standards with apprenticeships/T Levels and have  been approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education as meeting occupational standards for the relevant sector.


On average an HTQ will take between 1 and 2 years to complete if studying full-time. Flexible options such as part-time, online and learning through short courses may also be available.


HTQs are provided by universities, Institutes of Technology, local colleges and independent providers.


For further information on HTQs look at these websites:


Institute For Apprenticeships


National Careers Service




Skills For Life Campaign